Donate Now

Thank you for your generosity that allows us to continue our shared mission.


If you would like to mail in your donations, please use the following:

P.O. Box 3041

Charleston, WV 25301

Donation Information
Please select an amount below or enter another amount in the "other" box. Then select a fund to specify the use of your gift.
$ 25.00
$ 50.00
$ 100.00
$ 250.00
$ 500.00
Additional Information
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Matching Gifts
Tribute Information
If your gift is in honor or in memory of someone, please complete this section. If you wish to specify multiple honorees, please enter their names in the Comments field above.


The Greater Kanawha Valley Foundation - 178 Summers St, Charleston, WV 25301 - Mailing: P.O. Box 3041 Charleston, WV 25331

[P] 304-346-3620 - [F] 304-346-3640 -